I understand that as life changes, so do you. Each new phase brings a new opportunity for you to evolve and grow.



Visit my Wellbeing Studio for MINDSET & HEALTH COACHING in Lymington, Hampshire or work with me online as I support you to create sustainable change in your physical and emotional wellbeing. In each of my coaching packages, you will complete an in-depth health assessment and together we will review your health history and lifestyle, setting clear outcomes to create a holistic plan around your goals. 

Each person’s journey is a unique one, so I provide bespoke support throughout and together we will identify and remove the things that are currently holding you back.

Your goals may include (but are not limited to):

  • Reducing stress, anxiety, overwhelm or brain fog   

  • Navigating perimenopause/menopause

  • Improving sleep and energy 

  • Weight management

  • Alleviating migraines and headaches

  • Remedying digestive issues such as IBS, bloating and constipation 

  • Reigniting your purpose, increasing your confidence and self worth

nutritionist coach near me, wellbeing therapies, Kim Hughes, Wrllbeing with Kim, Nutritionist in Lymington




Through my work as a Naturopathic Health Coach, I strive to identify the ROOT cause of what is happening in your body. I’ll use an in-depth health assessment, with optional hormone testing, to create a personalised plan that nourishes you from the inside out


Your body is designed to move and this is essential for health throughout all stages of life. My work with YOGA will leave you feeling stronger and more mobile, while ensuring time for rest, replenishment and repair as you move from a place of self nourishment and care.


Mindset is the key to unlocking long term health. You will identify limiting beliefs and unhelpful patterns of self talk. You’ll create new positive attitudes and habits that will empower you to make changes truly aligned with who you are.





nutritionist coach near me, wellbeing therapies, health & wellbeing coach, hollistic therapy,

This is an opportunity to look at where you are currently and where you would like to be, and create a plan based on your personal goals to set you on your path to self-discovery and health. Whether you have a specific focus or not, this is the perfect place to start your journey. Perhaps you are looking to, reduce stress, improve your sleep or energy, manage your weight or maybe you are suffering from migraines/headaches or gut health issues such as IBS. Whatever your goal, this session is centred on your specific needs.

    • 1 x 90 minute initial consultation via Zoom.

    • In-depth health & lifestyle assessment – a deep dive uncovering the root cause of your symptoms.

    • 1 week of voice note or email access to me for follow up questions.

    • Written Plan – based on your session to empower you to make sustainable changes.

    • Tailored resources – including nutrition handouts, recipes, stress management techniques, journal prompts, affirmations.



In this 4 or 12-week bespoke programme, we will delve into the root cause of your symptoms to enable sustainable lifestyle change. With bi-weekly sessions, you will explore how diet, mindset, sleep, movement, stress, work, boundaries & purpose all connect to your health and wellbeing. It will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to set achievable goals now and into the future empowering you to make long term change.

    • 90 minute initial consultation

    • 45 minute fortnightly follow up appointments

    • In-depth health and lifestyle assessment

    • Personal coaching support with unlimited voice note or email access to me

    • Individualised support plan

    • Resource toolkit: nutrition handouts, recipes, stress management techniques, journal prompts and affirmations

    • 10 minute meditation recording

      Optional: Advanced Hormone Testing and Analysis – priced separately (discount available)


Premium hormone testing and expert partner analysis is the ideal way to gain greater insight into the root cause of your symptoms. This in-depth analysis will help you create lasting habits and changes through a bespoke plan of nutrition and lifestyle support (UK only)

    • Short initial consultation to explain how it works and gather details

    • Advanced Hormone Testing and Analysis sent directly to you

    • 90 minute consultation to discuss results

    • 45 minute follow up appointment to review

    • Personal coaching support with unlimited voice note access to me via Voxer

    • In-depth health & lifestyle assessment

    • Individualised nutrition and lifestyle plan

    • Resource toolkit: nutrition handouts, recipes, stress management techniques, journal prompts and affirmations


  • I had an in-depth session with Kim and am so glad that I did as she is so thorough and I felt that she genuinely does care about her clients and the improvements she can bring to their well-being. The questionnaire I completed initially was also very detailed which I think is important as Kim needs to look at all aspects of your life to get an overall picture of who you are, how you live and what sort of changes might be needed. Kim gave me some great tips/lifestyle changes which I think have really helped my overall wellbeing and positivity. Would highly recommend, if you are looking to improve your well-being and also mindset.


  • I contacted Kim for 121 yoga as I wanted to improve my flexibility and find ways to relax and I wanted to have a routine I could do at home. I was initially a bit nervous about what to expect, but I needn’t have been as Kim is so understanding and she really listened to what I needed from the sessions. I feel fitter and the sessions also help me some nights when I'm struggling to sleep as I can use the breathwork techniques Kim taught me. Kim is a very empathic teacher and a session with her is always a highlight.


  • I recently saw Kim for 4 coaching sessions as I had been really struggling with the menopause and was feeling really low in confidence with weight gain that I couldn't shift. My sleep was not good at all and I just felt tired all the time. We went through all aspects of my lifestyle and health and we set some small goals together each week that I felt were achievable and I could commit to. I was also able to contact Kim in between sessions and I think that made a huge difference to my motivation. Kim is so lovely and really listened and understood my struggles.


  • I just had to thank you again for helping me over these weeks. My IBS is so much better and I feel like I've now got the tools I need to keep supporting myself. I can't believe I've suffered for so long and now I feel like me again. I cannot thank you enough for everything and for being so understanding. It's changed so much for me


Kim Hughes, Wellbeing with Kim, Nutritionist in Lymington


Whether you are looking to kick start your health journey or you are ready to take a deeper dive with a bespoke 121 nutrition & health package, you will be fully supported on your path. I work from a private wellbeing and yoga studio in Lymington in the beautiful New Forest, in person or online.